Guide lines
ISSN 2249 - 8893
Annals of Multi-Disciplinary
A Quarterly
International Refereed Research Journal
Annals of
Multi-Disciplinary Research, a quarterly multidisciplinary referred journal, will be
published every year in the first week of the March, June, September and
December. The journal focuses to publish original and exclusive research
articles on all subjects pertaining to Arts, Humanities and Sciences. The
objective of the journal is to provide a forum to the scholars,
teacher-educators, educational planners, administrators, and researchers etc.
to contribute thought provoking articles, book reviews, and research papers
etc, both in Hindi or English.
Attention Authors:
Research papers submitted must be original. It should neither have
been published earlier nor should be under the consideration of any other
Papers should add to the knowledge of different disciplines by
providing a new insight either through new information substantiation or
contradiction of the previous findings, theory, phenomenon, application and
development of a new technique etc.
Any sort of plagiarism is not acceptable. Even after acceptance,
if an article is found to be plagiarized, it will be sent back. The authors may
even be blacklisted.
The decision to publish the paper will exclusively be of the
Editorial Board. The papers may be sent back to the author for incorporating
changes as suggested and for proof reading. However, the Editorial Board
reserves the right to incorporate minor changes including the format and
presentation of the manuscript.
A copy of the journal will be made available to all the
contributors on complimentary basis.
Guidelines for authors:
Manuscript should be typed in MS Word, either in Hindi or English,
double-space on one side of A-4 sized paper having 1" margin on all sides.
Font: Main body – 12 pt. in Times New Roman for English.
Font: Main body
– 14pt. in Chandini for Hindi.
Full length of the research papers and articles should be between
2000-2500 words.
An abstract of not more than 250 words is required.
Articles should preferably be with neat illustrations, diagrams,
graphs with bold and short captions/ Headings. Sub-heading should also be in
bold letters. Footnotes should be used only if necessary.
To the extent possible, tables and illustrations should appear in
the document near/after where they are referenced in the text. Avoid the use of
overly small type in tables. In no case should tables or figures be in separate
document or file.
Tables must be numbered consecutively with a brief title.
Paper should start with an introduction and end with a conclusion,
summarizing the findings of the paper.
Authors must submit one hard copy as well as one soft copy (in
CD/DVD) mentioning the title of the paper and the filename.
References: It is the author's obligation to provide complete references with
necessary information. References should appear in the text as: "Ehrman
and Oxford (1989) reported that ............." and the list of all the
references must be placed at the end of the manuscript in the alphabetical
order in the following style.
- Ehrman M and
Oxford R (1989), "Effects of Sex Differences, Career Choice and
Psychological Type on Adult Language Learning Strategies", Modern Language Journal, Vol. 83, pp.
Facts of papers presented/ submitted in a conference/
seminar/workshops must be clearly mentioned at the bottom of the first page of
the manuscript and the author should specify with whom the copyright rests.
Papers are processed through a blind referral system by experts in
the subject. To ensure anonymity, the writer's name, designation and other
details should appear only on the first page along with the title of the paper
and should not be repeated anywhere else.
Every author is required to send his/her black and white passport
sized photograph.
Authors are advised to avoid the usage of ambiguous words.
All manuscript should be accompanied by the certificate:
The manuscript/paper titled
is original, exclusive and unpublished material. It is not under consideration
for publication elsewhere. Further, it will not be submitted for publication
elsewhere, until a decision is conveyed regarding its acceptability for
publication in Annals of Multi-Disciplinary Research. If accepted for publication, I/we agree
that it will not be published elsewhere either in whole or in part without the
consent of editorial board of Annals of Multi-Disciplinary Research.
I/We the undersigned authors hereby,
transfer/assign or otherwise convey all copyright ownership of my/our paper,
the Annals of
Multi-Disciplinary Research.
Date: Signature
contributions should be sent at the given address:
The Editor
Annals of Multi-Disciplinary Research.
Taranagar Colony, Chhittupur
E-mail : E-mail :
E-mail : E-mail :
Mob. 09415390515,0542-2366370.
Tankan : Akansha Computers, Hyderabad
Gate, BHU, Varanasi
Printed by
Kabara Offsets, Ravindrapuri, Varanasi
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